KB BOXING 2/24/19
KETTLEBELL BOXING Round 1 S: STRAIGHT PUNCHES Jab // Jab/Cross 12 KB Swing 12 KB Swing Slow Across Body Mtn Climber Slow
KETTLEBELL BOXING Round 1 S: STRAIGHT PUNCHES Jab // Jab/Cross 12 KB Swing 12 KB Swing Slow Across Body Mtn Climber Slow
Warm up: 8 L/R WGT 10 Plate presses 5 Isometric PU’s (10sec hold) Thoracic side rotation Football drills 4 rounds 5 MB
FUNDAMENTALS 1 – 5-8 LR 1KB Front Rack Lunge 2 – 3-5 HSPU or Pike 3 – 40y Slow Farmer Carry 4
BC 5 Rounds (8m) 1: 5 LR 1 DB Bench 2: 10 Suitcase Paused Rows COTD AMRAP 10 10 2KB Clean 60/20
Middle School Tuesday »Warmup! 3 Rounds »» 3 Seated to Standing Box Jump »» 10 KB Knees to Feet »» 10 Slow