FUND/SMS/KB 4/2/19
Bootcamp 5 Rounds 1x LR Top Down TGU 2x :10s Pullup Hang with Eccentric Pullup COTD 6×20:10 Ring Rows Ski Air Squats
Bootcamp 5 Rounds 1x LR Top Down TGU 2x :10s Pullup Hang with Eccentric Pullup COTD 6×20:10 Ring Rows Ski Air Squats
BOOTCAMP PULLUPS /TGU A. Find your lowest band for 5 B. Find heavy tGu for 1 CIRCUIT 1 A. 50 WB squats
HIIT LADDER 15 30 45 60 45 30 15 Pick a card 5 MIN LADDER UP 2 4 6 8….. A. Oh
»Warmup! 3 Rounds »» 5 Laps »» 10 Squats »» 10 Pushups »» 10 Situps »Movement 2 Rounds »» High Bear Crawl
Warm up: 3x20s Bike Then: 6 min 40s dead hang 1 L/R TGU 10 lunges 5 Tarzan pull ups (Divide into 3