Friday 4/26/19
Warm up: 2 Min cardio 10 Toe grab squat 30 High knees 10 Push ups 60s Jump rope 3 Rounds: 8 Tarzan
Warm up: 2 Min cardio 10 Toe grab squat 30 High knees 10 Push ups 60s Jump rope 3 Rounds: 8 Tarzan
BootCamp COTD .. .. Perform 5 Rounds 8 L/R Suitcase Hold & Press 10 Windshield Wipers 30 Mountain Climbers .. .. Perform
BootCamp COTD .. .. With a Group of 3, get to 2700m Rowing P1: Row 300m P2: Sandbag Shoulder Carries P3: Ring Rows
FUNDAMENTALS Isolateral 20y LR Suitcase Carry 5-8 LR 1 Arm OH Walking Lunges 5-8 LR 1 Arm KB OHP 8-12 LR 1
Warm up: 20Y Lunge 3 Min Jump rope Workout: 20M 5 Manmakers (push up, row, row, stand up and press) 15 Box