Bootcamp 5/5/19
Warm up 60s Cardio 20Y High knees 20Y Frankensteins 20Y Side shuffles 30 Jumping jacks 21-15-9 SL Push ups Plate overhead squats
Warm up 60s Cardio 20Y High knees 20Y Frankensteins 20Y Side shuffles 30 Jumping jacks 21-15-9 SL Push ups Plate overhead squats
FUNDAMENTALS Loaded Carries Farmer Carry Sled Drags from Hips 2KB Overhead Carry Bear Crawl, Dragging SMS With your TEAM Sled Push 1
BOOTCAMP .. COTD .. With a Partner of Equalish Strength/Skill, Complete the following. 1: 600y Farmer Carry 2: 50 Over The Shoulders
BOOTCAMP .. COTD .. TEST ON 1-5 of Box Jump Farmer Carry Pullups TGU Row 500m .. Remaining Time AMRAP MURPH PREP
Warm up 30s Run in place 30s Jumping jacks 30s Squats 30s Push ups Practice: 3 Rounds 4 Wide grip eccentric pull