Friday 01/04/19

HIIT WARMUP x2 A. 50 Jump Rope B. 20 Squats 40 sec work /15 sec rest Circuit 1 x 3
HIIT WARMUP x2 A. 50 Jump Rope B. 20 Squats 40 sec work /15 sec rest Circuit 1 x 3
Warmup: Lunges Frankenstein Bear Crawl Moving worlds greatest stretch AMRAP: 10 Step up with bicep curl (per leg) 45 sec
HIIT WARMUP A. Lunges B. Crab C. Wide spider walk D. Bear crawl 40/20 WEIGHT THEN NO WEIGHT A. Right back lunge
WARMUP A. 30 sec on bike 30 off x3 FOR TIME A. 500m row B. 50 WB squats C. 400m row D.
WARMUP X3 A. 50 jump rope B. Spider lunge walk down C. Crab walk back 20 MIN PARTNERS ONE MUST BE ON