5/8/19 – WCE53 GPP (OPTIONAL)GPP – 7/30/19CONDITIONING EMOTM15: 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 10 Situps STRENGTH 5 Sets 10 Lunge, Lunge, KB Clean and Squat CORE 5 Rounds 20 Glute Thrusts 20 Plank Up Downs WARMUP - 2 Rounds :20s Toe Raises :20s Light Toe Hops :20s Seated Run :20s KB Swings A - 15m AMRAP 200y Run 2 Hand over Hand Pulls (35/53/80)(26/35/53) 10 Weighted Situps (30/40/50)(10/20/30) :90s Transition B - 8m AMRAP You go I go 10y Sled Push 10 Pushups 10y Sled Push Not sure how to perform an exercise below? Check out our exercise database of 300+ exercises! https://burrstrength.com/p/exercises/