5/7/19 – WCE52


  • GPP – 7/29/19
    CONDITIONING 10m of: Find a field - 100% the short ends, jog/recover the long sides. STRENGTH 5 Sets 5-10 1 Arm Pushup or 1 Arm Pushup Progressions CORE Hold a Russian Twist Position, with legs Straight, for 5m. Bring knees in when needed.

3x20s PB In/Out Practice
2x3 KB SA Swing
2x3 KB High Pull
2x3 KB Snatch

A - 10m Intervals
Assault Bike Fartlek - :45s Moderate Pace, :15s Hard Pace

2min Rest after Bike

B - 12m AMRAP
20/15 Cal Row or Ski
7 2KB Snatch (26/35/44)(18/26/35)
10 PB Corner Drill Linear In/Out Steps

1min Rest