FcF Transition to Members

Hi everyone! Thank you for considering us as your new home!

We are super flexible with your training! All of our trainers are trained to teach you the modifications YOU need based on limitations. Don’t be afraid to ask for alternatives!

My line of contact (Joey):
540.270.9591 (I respond super fast to texts)
Facebook – look up Joey Burr and add as a friend (I use messenger as a texting system as well!)

If you are looking to set up your 7 day trial, go here to make an account. It should let you book right away – if not try un-installing the Mind Body App and re-installing. If that doesn’t work – contact me!

A few class descriptions!

Bootcamp – Heavy on Cardio and functional movements. No barbells.

Training Camp – Heavy on lifting and functional movements and usually 10-15m of cardio. We do use barbells for the Strength Portion, never for conditioning. We can modify the barbell portion however to KB’s or DB’s if you prefer not to use the Barbell!

Boxing Bootcamp – Bag Work and Bootcamp style conditioning!

Kettlebell – A strength based class – but don’t be fooled; your heart rate will be high the entire class!

HIIT – A Cardio based class based around intervals!

Training Camp LITE – A class based around those who are the older population who need things slightly slower. If you want this membership, I will need to put you in contact with Kelsey as its a limited person class.


We use an app called Trainerize to view the workouts in advance and/or log! It’s free to you – I pay for you! If you want access, please contact me!


Our sweet deal with yall

6 months at $100 each month. Then up to the normal rate (129-159 depending on the package you want!)

You can set up payment for that here! AFTER YOUR TRIAL! Once your 6 months end – we are a no-contract gym. We are looking at setting up a drop in deal.

Our Facebook Group
