5/9/19 – WCE54 GPP (OPTIONAL)GPP 001 Cash-In/Check-Out 1000y Sled Drag at 25% BW then 3x8 KB SLDL then 5min of Ring Pullups or Ring MU Practice WARMUP - 3min :20s Ski Intervals 4 Rounds of Each A - 3min to Complete 20/15cal Assault Bike 10 Box Jumps (12/18/24) 10 Burpees :60s Transition B - 3min to Complete Rotations (225 Jacks/225 SU/75) 10 Box Jumps (12/18/24) 10 Burpees Not sure how to perform an exercise below? Check out our exercise database of 300+ exercises! https://burrstrength.com/p/exercises/