The real Oktoburfest is running Sept 22 to Oct 7. We have an awesome give-away for this cycle (Sept 15 to Oct 15). For every time you complete an OKTOBURRFEST workout (Every Saturday, Monday & Thursday) you are entered into a drawing IF you put you mark your name up on the scoreboard. If you win – you get to pick a kettlebell that best suits you to keep at the gym from the following site (https://www.onnit.com/kettlebells/) – it must be a special kettlebell, aka a design on it! Anytime you workout that is YOUR kettlebell, if you choose so!

Our shirts will be on the way soon! I did order 1 extra of the popular shirt and sizes – other then that the shirts will not be re-ordered.

With that being said, stay tuned for workouts to be posted by 9pm the night before for all our workouts as well as special workouts!

We are also approaching our 1 Year anniversary as a facility. Stay tuned for details!