Update Regarding Wallballs

Hi All!

We have a little update on Wallballs!

As of Today, 3/2 – the gym is changing the Wallball programming.

We will no longer do more then 10 at a time and less then 50 total for an entire workout. You will not see them in AMRAPS or a situation where you could exceed 50 reps.

I have been talking with several other trainers across the nation about them.

The current trend is that (1) they are not too good on the knees for most people. Knee injuries are popping up due to them. My fear from the get go (2) is that they can be very dangerous to the cervical spine. Looking up, under load, is pretty dangerous — ask any competent strength coach and they will agree; when was the last time your coach told you to stare at the sky when trying to squat or deadlift? If they did, find a new coach.

Think about it like this – when you deadlift, we want a neutral spine. When wallballing, you are looking up. That is not neutral. That is like lifting a barbell with a bent back while on a trampoline (the plyo portion of the wallball).

BSP is about Safety and THEN performance. If you are hurt, how can you perform? This is one of the major factors that sets us apart – we think about it being Hard and then “is this workout safe?” Most gyms/trainers just throw workouts and reps on a paper without thinking about it… this is how we excell – I use my Noggin that wasn’t developed in a weekend course, how about 4 years PLUS when BS was created (Feb 2015).

So, enjoy LESS wallballs overall! I never liked them to begin with but a few reps here and there for a small amount of reps could benefit.