Thoughts on the Assault/Rogue Bikes

I had a few questions on why some peole excell on the Assault/Rogue Bikes vs Others…. few quick thoughts on it.

1. Overall Strength – it will carry you into other methods IF you do Cross Train and can respond positively to longer durations of being under stress of +10s or more.

2. Lactic Threshold – that burning feeling? Thats lactate. We train to withstand and pull back into your body – a few things you didn’t realize. Lactate is actually an energy source if you can utilize it. After 20s you will start to feel it if pushing at a revolution that puts you above about 80-90%, depending on training.

3. Power Generation – Those sprints? It doesn’t matter how much lactate you can withstand – sprints last 10-20s… if you can push hard and be POWERFUL you will excell with bursts.

4. Endurance – Those who are trained to be able to go without stop for quite some time will see some positive scores when doing longer duration (2-5m) on the bike. We rarely hit more then 2m however due to the nature of our programming.

5. Overall Tougness – There are some of us who can shut off pain. That overall toughness will help you a ton. We do our best to teach this to all of our members.