Warm-up: 1 Round:
8 Roll over to v-sit
20 Bear crawl shoulder taps
3 Rounds: 20s Bike, 10 push-ups
Conditioning: 20-25min (2 Stations: cycle through both stations)
Part A: 2 Rounds:
30 Battle ropes
12 Box Jumps/20 Step-ups (Total)
5X (Push up to 4 Plank jacks)
8/11c Bike
part B 1 Round: (After each exercise perform 5 burpees, then do rowing)
5L/R KB Cleans
7 KB Swings
5L/R KB Lunge push press
7 Ring push-ups/ 10 push-ups
5L/R SA KB Goblet squat
After part B:
400M Row
Strength: 7-10 Min
6-10 KB Sumo Squat
3-5 Eccentric Pull-ups
10-15 Band ab pull-downs
6-10 DB Pull-overs
60s Wall sit
EMOTM: 10 Min
20 MB Squats
15 MB Slams
Cash-out: 4x(30s/10s)
Scissor crunch
Extended plank
Ab mats