Bootcamp Sunday 1/5/20

Warm up:
8 Roll over to v-sit
10 Toe grab squat
20 Jumping jacks
20y Bear crawls
20y Frankenstein’s
20Y High knees
20Y Butt kickers

3 Rounds:
5 Pull ups
5 Push ups
10 Lunges

COTD: 20Min

Part A: 3 Rounds
10 MB Slam
15 Burpees
15 KB Swings
50 Jump ropes
12/15c Bike

Part B:
21,15,9 reps each exercise:
DB/KB Snatches (Alt: Clean to press)
Box Jumps/Step ups

For remainder of time 200M row, 10 Weighted sit-ups, 45s Plank

Strength: 7-10 Min
6-10 Weighted push ups
4 MB Shoulder loads
8L/R Weighted Lateral Lunge
3×5-15 sec Pull up hold

Core: Remainder of class if available
30 Decline plank toe taps
15L/R Side plank v-ups
15 Hanging leg raises
15 Hollow rocks