20Y High knees
20Y Lunge w/twist
20y Bear crawls
10 Toe grab squat
5 Inchworm to push up
30 Jumping jacks
60s Fast feet (on my count)
COTD: 20Min
9/12c Bike
6L/R KB Clean to press
40Y Carry sandbag, 8 Burpees over sandbag
250M Row
20 HR Russian twists
20 Lunges
Strength: 3-4 Rounds
10L/R Weighted Box Step-ups
10 Sumo DL
10 Elevated heel KB/DB Squats
10-15 Banded Leg extension
Power: 5x 20s/10s
SL box jump (6,12in box)/ Alt box jump/step up
Burpee w/knee tuck
Power KB swings (set to the floor each time)
Squat roll w/jump
Abs: 2-3 Rounds
20 Scissors
40 Flutter kicks
15 Hollow rocks
20 In’s and out
30s Plank crunches
30s Plank in and outs