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30 sec bike / slow bear crawl / 30 sec bike / forward leaps
8 min amrap Upper Body
10 Narrow Push Ups
15 Curl and Press
15 Row and Reverse Fly
20 Kickbacks
8 min amrap Lower Body
10 Romanian Deadlift
15 Glute Bridges
15 Weighted Jump Squat to Front Lunge
20 Side Lunges
8 min amrap Total Body
5 Manmakers
10 Step Up knee drive
15 push-up Plank jacks
20 reverse lunge overhead press
8 min amrap Cardio
20 Tuck jump
20 Star Jumps
30 Crossbody High Knees
50 Mountain Climbers
This round is timed with everyone doing each exercise together.
30 seconds Plank
30 reps Scissors
30 seconds Plank
30 reps Bicycles
Repeat once more for a 4 minute round
strength: pick one move from each section- increase weight. Amrap remainder of time