Saturday Morning Sweat
52 Cards!
»2: Dudes: 15 Wallballs
»3: Me: Pick 3-5 people to do 5 Burpees
»4: Floor: Last Person to do 25 HR Pushups has 15 more!
»5: Waterfall: Star Jacks!
»6: Chicks: 12 WallBalls
»7: Heaven: 8 L/R SA Clean and Press – Hold your last rep
»8: Mate: Pick someone (or 2) to do whatever you do!
»9: Rhyme: Rhyme a word – loser has a :45s wallsit!
»10: Categories: Pick a category – everyone needs to pick something that is within that category! – loser has a :45s plank, as does 3-5 people they pick!
»Jack: Everyone has 50 KB Swings!
»Queen: Questions: Keep asking questions – loser has a 15 MB Slams!
»King: Make a rule!
»Ace: Everyone has 5 Rounds: 5 Pullup, 10 Pushup, 15 Squat!