Program: Get your first Ring Muscle Up and More!

This program is designed for those who have not gotten their first Ring Muscle ups as well as those who are trying to increase their performance in the muscle up - each section is broke down into a phase you might be having trouble in. Not sure exactly where you should be at? Start from the beginning and work your way through.

Most people have trouble in the transition phase. Our suggestion is to hit each level once or twice and really focus on that transition phase, as most have trouble there. Always do Level 0 as well with your work - it will build good strength.

Complete each workout 1-2x per week, suggestions:
Open Gym
Replacement of Assistance of Training Camp
Stay 10-15m after class to practice (Please confirm with Joey)
Home Gym

The workout should only take 10-20m depending on the Level or problem area.

This movement is difficult and requires a base level of strength to be done.
- 5-8 Strict Pullups
- 3-5 Strict Ring Dips
- 20 Hollow Rocks
If you can master the above, you should have enough strength to perform the ring muscle up. If not, check out our other programs to master the above first!
We are assuming, with this program, you have the required strength listed above.

Level 0 - Basics you should do with every Level

Ring Rows with False Grip

Ring Pullups with False Grip

Ring Dips

Level A - The Swing Phase

Hollow Rocks

Ring Hollow Rocks

Ring Toes to Bar

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x20 Hollow Rocks
3x15 Ring Hollow Rocks
3x20 Ring Toes to Bar

The Pull Phase

Swing into Initial Pull

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x10 Swing into Initial Pull

The Transition Phase

Russian Dips
3x3-5 Russian Dips

Laying Knees to chest with explosive hip glute bridge

Laying Knees to chest with explosive hip thrust into catch position on rings

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x5 Russian Dips
3x10 Laying Knees to Chest
3x10 Laying Knees to Chest to Catch Position on Rings

Extra Items to Help

2x Ring Rows, 1x Knees to Chest to Catch Position on Rings

Ring Hollow Hold Pullups

→ When am I ready for the next Level: At this point you should either be completing muscle ups or almost there.

This progression program isn't necessarily a clear cut program, as many people have problems in different areas as this requires a lot of neurological control, especially in that transition phase. If you have having trouble in certain areas, crush those items to better your shot at the muscle up.
A Few Things to think about

→ Your hips are key to this movement. 

→ This is a high skill movement - it takes a lot of practice to get right.

→ Most people have problems in the transition phase!

Joey's Brain

→ When chaining muscle ups together, be sure to try and control your descent slightly so you do not injure your shoulders.

→ Learn how to bail safely - drop under control, never from the top of the rings, but with arms fully extended.