Program: Get your first HSPU and more!

This program is designed for those who have not gotten their first HSPU as well as those who are trying to work a harder variation of their HSPU - each section is broke down into a phase you might be in. Not sure exactly where you should be at? Start from the beginning! 

Complete each workout 1-2x per week, suggestions:
Open Gym
Replacement of Assistance of Training Camp
Stay 10-15m after class to practice (Please confirm with Joey)
Home Gym

The workout should only take 10-15m depending on the Level. 

Level A

3x15-45s Hold

Pike Pushups

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x45s Plank
3x10 Pike Pushups

Level B

3x15-45s Hold

Pike Pushups

Pike Pushups with Feet on 12" Box

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x45s Plank
3x15 Pike Pushups
3x10 Pike Pushups on a 12" Box

Level C

3x15-45s Hold

Pike Pushups with Feet on 12" Box

Pike Pushups with Knees on 24" Box

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x45s Plank
3x15 Pike Pushups on a 12" Box
3x10 Pike Pushups with knees on a 24" Box

Level D

Pike Pushups with Knees on 24" Box

Wall Facing Walks up
3x15-30s Hold

Kick Ups
3x5 with 10-15s Hold

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x10 Pike Pushups with knees on a 24" Box
3x30s Wall Facing Walk Ups
3x5 Kick Ups with a 15s hold

Level E

HSPU to a 3/2/1 Foam

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x15 with a 1 foam

Level F

HSPU to floor

→ When am I ready for the next Level: When you can complete all 3 rounds at the hardest difficulty with near perfect form.
3x15 with to floor

Level G

HSPU to deficit (Plates or Boxes)

→ When am I ready for the next Level: Stay tuned for Kipping, Free Standing HSPU and Walks!

By this point - you should be able to complete you some pretty nice regular HSPU as well as some more advanced deficit HSPU! Stay tuned for Kipping, Free Standing HSPU and Walks!
A Few Things to think about

→ Keep your head neutral during all movements.

→ You must actively think about pulling your rib cage to your hips while upside. Squeeze your glutes as well!

→ Think like a spring - as you lower, you are loading that spring. Release upon reaching your destination!

Joey's Brain

→ HSPU are intimidating - the fear of crushing your neck is scary! Work the progressions and you will be fine!

→ Learn to do them strict before kipping.

→ Keep your glutes squeezed.

→ Really focus on the tucking of the elbow as you lower - think pushups and bench - save those shoulders!!!