Hey All! This is our first ‘real’ blog post. We are using this feature to make our website a little more of a core of our business. Check out why below!
Kid Friendly Zone: We will be removing those ugly garage doors and AC Units sitting in the corner soon! Our landlord finally is getting around to it. What does this mean? More space, and the ability to have kid friendly time frames! I.e. we will have a closed off small section that you can throw your kids into for a few class times each week. This is great news for those with kids who need somewhere to put them safe! No extra fee, just that you pick up after your kid.
Bootcamp & Beer: Every 2nd Saturday at Noon we host a workout over at Dragon hops. It is $10.00 and you get a 30-45m workout and a beer after. Event tickets will be posted on the site as well as on facebook.
Cash Outs: We have added in the concept of Cash-Outs. Simply meaning – you are highly recommended to participate as we will be targeting issues, skills, mobility, etc that everyone needs more work in. For the next few weeks, we will be doing Reverse Hypers and Y-Pulls.
Info Videos: The coaches will be putting together their own info videos on movements they specialize in. This could be technique, mobility, life style, or anything else we can think of! Expect 1-3 videos per coach every couple of weeks.
Hashtag us: Use Instagram? use #burrstrength on your posts about the gym and they will appear on our main site! If you take us (@jburr91) I will try to repost it as well!
24/7 Open Gym: We have added in 24/7 Open Gym – the exception is that you must be a Halfway or Premium Member. There are several rules and an additional paper you must sign the first time you attend. All details will be listed on the paper – we expect you to use this to your advantage to really work on some items you need help with!
More Coaches during Training Camp: We have decided to have an additional Coach for Training Camps above 6 people. Why? More eyes to breathe down your neck! This will offer all members a way better experience during Training Camp.
Good luck to Taylor! : Taylor’s last day was the 26th – she is off to College soon! She has helped tremendously and will be missed! She is off to the University I attended – Longwood! Best of luck Taylor!
New Classes / Changes
Olympic Weight Lifting: This is a training camp variation that is being held at 6am and 7pm on Tuesday/Thursday. First 30m is our traditional TC conditioning followed by an Olympic Weight Lifting Strength. If you are new to Olympic Weight Lifting, you must attend a intro to Weight Lifting Session. Contact me for details on setting a time up! We will host 2 intros per month.
Strong(wo)man: This is a training camp variation that is being held at 630am Sundays. First 30m is our traditional TC conditioning followed by Strongman style strength. We will start with the basics (Carries, Loads, Axle Work, Flips, etc) and as the class grows, begin to get some more advanced pieces of equipment (Car Deadlifts, Atlas Stones, Logs, etc).
5am Wednesday Training Camp: We will be adding a 5am TC halfway through August. Stay tuned!
9am Saturday Training Camp: The conditioning portion of this class will be different then normal – expect a slightly more combat approach! As always, our 101 conditioning will be available for those who are not into that type of training!
Saturday Morning Skills & Other Skill Sessions: Right after SMS we will have a 20-30m class on some skills that people need help with. There are also other 20m time frames you can train with Joey to work on some advanced skills – contact Joey for details on the latter!
Evening HIIT has been removed: Due to lack of attendance, we have removed evening HIIT. Most of our clients are joining other sessions, which we thank you for understanding!
Updated Site
We just updated our site recently. Take a look around! It’s a little more snazzy looking!