Longevity vs Ego : Why most trainers suck

When clients come into my facility looking for training (aka results) I have to assess several things:

  1. Type of personality.
  2. Goals.
  3. Age
  4. Limitations.
  5. Current Physical Shape.
  6. Training Background.

Yes, I analyze you as you come in my door – that is my job. I figure out who you are, where you came from, your background with training, your goals, how old and your limitations and how in shape you are in. And guess what – I do this to current clients all the time to figure out how training needs to change for them!

Why? I believe in Longevity. How you feel is more important – outside the gym. Fitness is a marathon – not a sprint. Trainers, more then not sadly, do not think this way. This is why you see so many injuries at gyms that push results faster than what the client can handle. It is sad and it gives the good trainers a bad rap because we are all wrapped into one profession.

I want you to enjoy training and let you know you accomplished something, But at the end of the day – your Longevity (#1) and your Results (#2) are more important to me. I have a few rules and one of them is to leave the ego at the door. It took myself a while to learn it but now that I have (yes occasionally it comes back and I usually regret it) I feel much healthier, am in better shape and feel GOOD.

Some days (MOST actually) you will not hit a PR. Some days you will actually feel like shit. Guess what – it is normal. Roll with it and use it as motivation for the next session.

Find someone that cares about your health, both physical and mental; I take pride in trying to help all of my clients in both aspects.

New photo by Joey Burr / Google Photos


Joey Burr is the owner of Burr Strength and Performance in Purcellville, VA. He has 3.5 years experience professionally training with another 3 years before that interning with Longwood Universities Strength and Conditioning Program while pursuing his Kinesiology Degree. He is a firm believer in Longevity in the sense of everyone needs to move like an Athlete — all humans are designed to move efficiently. His views on Strength and Conditioning/Fitness is something slightly different then most trainers have but it works well and has been proven for over 7 years combined of training, all at the age of 26.