How to: [Single Arm] Suitcase, Front Rack, Overhead Carry

Carries! One of the 5(ish) critcal movements that all strength and functional coaches program regularly.

We want to focus on a few things during our single side carries.

  1. Maintain Posture!
    1. Basically – keep your chest big, shoulders backish (don’t squeeze the blades). Have a proud chest.
  2. Don’t lean!
    1. If leaning away from kettlebell – correct to be straight. If you can’t, it might be too heavy.
    2. If leaning torwards the kettlebell – correct to be straight. If you can’t, again – it might be too heavy.
  3. Keep your ribcage down!
    1. This is a simple que to help prevent leans. Hold your abs if you are having a hard time.

– Do NOT let the kettlebell touch your side. If you cannot walk without maintaining proper posture, its too heavy. Ditch the Ego.

– Keep your hand with the bell about neck deep on your chest. If you can’t walk without leaning or letting the kettlebell roll, its too heavy.

– Almost everyone will either have poor wrist control OR a lean. Punch to the sky to keep that wrist control // Control the lean by using your core to pull your ribcage down.