How to: Front Squats

Front Squatting is a safe and challenging variation of the barbell Squat. It is a requirement for those who to Cleans to be proficient at and great for athletes and everyone else to learn. It hammers your core as well as teaches you how to Squat upright with proper form – if your form isn’t good, you will know quickly because the bar will fall!

  • When un-racking the bar, get your elbows very high and keep them there until the bar is back in the rack.
    • The bar should be pressed slightly into your neck.
  • To initiate the squat, knees go out and hips back at the same exact time. This is to help remain vertical.
    • Forcing your knees out will allow your pelvis to shoot straight down.
  • Be sure to keep your core tight and brace your belly the entire lift.