How much is too much? Exercise Overkill!

Most people think that more is better – and that is true for some situations. It is FALSE with exercise!

Here at BSP we limit classes – why? Your results and health are very important to us – however your overall safety can be compromised if you train ‘too much’. We offer either 1 TC per day OR 2 Classes per day. Why? TC is heavy with lifting – our Classes are Conditioning Based. Unless you are a true genetic freak, anything more then an hour of Weight Lifting or 2 hours of conditioning is too much! (Hint: we don’t condition straight for two hours – lots of rest as well as strength training for classes!).

We will talk about the topic of Over Training. Each class is designed to build off the other without the other classes in TOO much mind. What does this mean? We consider those who do back to back classes but it is NOT our main priority as many people take one class and get back to their family/errands/job/real life. We can’t base all the workouts around those who do 2 workouts a day as that is about 5% of yall.

If you are programming yourself or working with a PT, they will make sure your workouts don’t push you into the over train zone. IE: Mrs. Caroylne Does PT with me several times per week. She also does bootcamp on 2 days before she comes in! This means a 2 hour workout. The days she comes into Bootcamp and PT I modify based on what we did and her areas of weakness. For those who do Back to Back Classes – sometimes you hit the same movement! Overtime this can lead to overuse injury (only so many movement patterns).

For those who want to hit multiple workouts each day, you will risk running an overuse injury or burnout! The elite athletes who train hours each day – guess what? That is their job! They have nothing else, no stress and cooks providing meals! The majority of us have jobs, kids and external stress!

If you want to hit multiple workouts each day, consider the format. A weight lifting class and conditioning class together is great, IE: Fundamentals and KB/Boxing! I do NOT reccomend hitting a bootcamp or KB/Boxing as well as a TC. If you are hitting TC, make that it! If you want to do an extra 10-15 conditioning, go for it! But that is about it!


The Science: After 1 hour, our stress hormone (cortisol) increases. When cortisol increases, performance decreases as well as does your performance and sex drive. It also increases the amount of lean (muscle) tissue break down as well as an increase in abdominal fat. One of the many studies.  Like to train in a fasted state? It’s worse, study here. Make sure you eat before you train! All that IMF is fake!

With that being said – listen to your body. Tired? Just rest! You grow when you are resting! Doing 2-3 hours per day of training is way overkill and will not put your further ahead (unless you have no external stress). Feeling good? Get after it!!!