Holiday Workout Sign-Ups, Voting and some more information!

Hi All!

We are wrapping up 2018! It’s been a crazy year! Just a few reminders/updates!

  1. We decided to add in a sign-up for the holiday workouts on Christmas/New Years Eve at 7 and 8am. Look for Holiday Workout in Pinnacle.
  2. All Classes/Sessions (besides the above mentioned) are CANCELLED on Christmas Eve and Day as well as New Years Eve and Day.
  3. PLEASE vote for us! As a gym that is 1 year old and voted as top 10 Gym, Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor — pretty huge. You can (and your husband/wife/family/friends) can vote for us at the link below. Look for Burr Strength for Best Gym, Joey Burr as Personal Trainer and Joey Burr as Group Instructor!
    1. Link is here:
  4. We are starting a merch corner! Limited amount of gear we have had in the past and NEW gear will be available time to time! Stay tuned!
  5. We are adding in online training as well as super customized training for our Training Camp Members – stay tuned! Expect a release as we bring in 2019!
  6. We have nutrition programming available for FREE to all members. We will be offering coach created nutrition soon into 2019.
  7. We will be adding in some Weekend Evening Classes as we begin 2019!
    1. Bootcamp Saturdays 4pm with Gina.
    2. KB/Boxing Sundays at 4pm with Joey.
  8. Expect a Gym Outing in early January!

Thanks for everything! I think within 2019 we will be ready for a bigger facility!