Goals, Tracking Conditioning and Enjoying the Process

Hi all! I know some of you have no want/need to do a pullup and some are stressed they won’t make the October ‘deadline’.
There is no need to stress!
As a gym – we have to set goals for people to reach. If we don’t, we run circles and don’t really ever move forward. Yall pay us to help you become a little bit more fit – we have a job to do!
We have decided to focus on a specific skill with a ‘deadline’ to create a sense of urgency for those who wish to conquer that goal.
Some people enjoy coming in, sweating their ass off without the stress of a goal – perfectly okay! One goal might not be your goal – yet the next we set might be something you would like to conquer!
We do however, want everyone to set personal goals and reach them (as simple as workout 3x a week or as crazy as complete 10 HSPU before 2019)
Hint: After our pullup ‘deadline’ be ready for Double Unders
We track workouts on the board (and soon on the app/internet) for a few reasons.
(1) Your name is next to it – represent yourself as best as you can that day – yes some days are not good days, but put the best foot forward. It allows that extra little push that you have to own it.
(2) We do record some workouts for us to beat. It is an indicator to the coaches of where we need to work (i.e. if everyone did not do better at something) as well as an indicator to the member of where they should focus the most on (i.e. if you see rowing come up in a workout and you suck at rowing, ask us for some tips or focus on your form during that portion extra hard).
You are supposed to enjoy working out. Yes – I abuse the hell out of your bodies, but it is meant to better you. Everything I write, I know the modifications as well as how to coach it safely for each person in the gym. Your safety is #1.
I want each of you to enjoy the gym. I do my best to offer options for everyone at every skill level. I think I do a pretty damn good job at making sure everyone has a modification or advancement – please PM me if you feel you are behind or not where you want to be, I will do my absolute best to help you.