Functional BB 12/18,19

Warmup – 5×3 Cleans/Snatches… each rep the movement changes (Power, Power Catch with Pause and Squat, Full)

-> Accessory (2-3)
A1: 10 Push Press or 10 Snatch Grip Press
A2: 10 Pullups or 10 DB Seal Rows

Work to a heavy SSB Double OR Close Grip 2 Board Double, then do 5×5-8 60%

-> Accessory (2-3)
A1: 10 Weighted Pushups OR 10 GHD
A2: 10 Barbell Row OR 10 Barbell RDL
B: 50 Zottman Curls
C: 750 Rolling DB Skulls