Functional BB 11/6, 8


3×3 Complex: Power Clean, Hang Clean, Pause Below Knee Hang Clean

3×1 70% Hang Power, 3x Front Squat
5 LR SA KB Swing

3×1 75% Hang Power, 2x Front Squat
8 Ab Wheel

3-5×1 80-90% Full Clean with 1 & 1/2 Squat
8-12 Strict DB Presses

3×3 Complex: Power Snatch, Drop Squat, Sotts Press

3×1 70% Hang Power, 3x OHS
10 KB Chest Swings

3×1 75% Hang Power, 2xOHS
8 Ring Pullups

3-5×1 80-90% Full Snatch with 1 & 1/2 Squat
8-12 LR Side Plank Hip Thrusts