Hi All! Just a few friendly reminders!
- Please do your best to sign up for classes the night before! It is not the end of the world if you don’t – but we like to have 2 or more trainers when we have 6+ for training camp! Help us help you so we can alert our other trainers about if they need to come in!
- There are 7 days left in October! Be sure to pledge a donation amount by then if you wish to recieve a FREE Burr Strength Car Magnetic Decal! The link is below. If you already have pledged, please be sure to bring in your money! 100% of the pledged amount will be going towards the donation, the gym will purchase the decals as a thank you.
- On Halloween – Dress up and come workout! Be sure to wear appropriate clothes that you can workout in! Skip the facepaint as it might get in your eyes!
- November 3rd is our 1 year open house! Please swing by!
Thanks All!