Friday 02/10/20

WARMUP A. Band arm pull apart x10 B. Goblet squats low x10 40/20 A. Double pulse squat jumps B. Weighted step ups
WARMUP A. Band arm pull apart x10 B. Goblet squats low x10 40/20 A. Double pulse squat jumps B. Weighted step ups
COMPLETE FOR TIME 20 MIN MAX A. 200 jump rope B. 80 mtn climbers C. 60 KB deadlift high pull D. 30
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
20 MIN AMRAP A. 8 Knees to elbows B. 10 hand release pushups C. 12 KB lateral swings D. 5 hurdle burpees
WARMUP X2 A. Bike 30 B. Lunge C. Bike 30 D. Bear crawl 1MIN NO REST A. Jacks B. Reach toe C.