Wednesday 01/15/20

1. WARMUP X3 12 face pulls 20 squats 20 mtn climbers 2. PARTNER DROPSET 25 MIN MAX. 10-1 PARTNER A 10 REPS
1. WARMUP X3 12 face pulls 20 squats 20 mtn climbers 2. PARTNER DROPSET 25 MIN MAX. 10-1 PARTNER A 10 REPS
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
1. WARMUP 30 SEC EACH X2 Squats Pushups Squat jumps Plank up down 2. EMOTM LADDER – 1 REP EACH MIN 1.
Warm up: Bike 20s/10s 30 Mountain climbers 5 Inchworms COTD: 20Min (Every 2 rounds complete 30 squats on MB) 300M Row 15
Warm up: 8 Roll over to v-sit 10 Toe grab squat 20 Jumping jacks 20y Bear crawls 20y Frankenstein’s 20Y High knees