Wednesday 08/21/19

BOOTCAMP WARMUP X3 A. 30 s bike B. 15 squats E2MOTM X3 (1 MIN REST BTN ROUNDS) A. 50 forward back hops
BOOTCAMP WARMUP X3 A. 30 s bike B. 15 squats E2MOTM X3 (1 MIN REST BTN ROUNDS) A. 50 forward back hops
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
HIIT WARMUP Sprint 60 20 slams Sprint 60 15 slams Sprint 60 10 slams Sprint 60 5 slams 15 30 45 60
Warm up: Foam Roll Problem Area Roll Over to V-Sit Band Walks – Hand & Monster Walks PVC Dislocations & Presses PVC
HIIT WARMUP A. Bike 30 on 30 off x4 2 MIN OF CARDIO FOLLOWED BY STRENGTH 30/20 X3 A. Bike i. Squat