Friday 09/06/19

HIIT WARMUP X2 A. 10 deep side lunges B. 10 walkout pushups *AMRAP 10 15 WB SQUATS 10 SWINGS 5 PULL UPS
HIIT WARMUP X2 A. 10 deep side lunges B. 10 walkout pushups *AMRAP 10 15 WB SQUATS 10 SWINGS 5 PULL UPS
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
PARTNER TIMER ALWAYS 30/20 ONE PARTNER ON BIKE A. 200 squat jumps B. 100 wall balls C. 150 sledge squats D. 50
HIIT WARMUP X2 A. 10 deep side lunges B. 10 walkout pushups TABATA (ALTERNATE MOVES) A. Star jumps B. Alt side burpees