Wednesday 09/11/19

WARMUP X2 A. 20 step ups B. 10 pushups FOR TIME THEN REVERSE 200 m run 3 thrusters 3 pull-ups 300 m
WARMUP X2 A. 20 step ups B. 10 pushups FOR TIME THEN REVERSE 200 m run 3 thrusters 3 pull-ups 300 m
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
Warm up: Roll over to v-sits Band monster walks PVC Dislocations PVC Leg sweeps Cosack lunges Continue warm up: 10 Toe grab
WARMUP x2 50 jump rope 30 sec bike 3 MIN AMRAP/2 MIN REST (2 ROUNDS) A. 4 burpees/ 8 push press/ 12
Warm-up: Foam Roll Problem Area Roll Over to V-Sit Band Walks – Hand & Monster Walks PVC Dislocations & Presses PVC Leg