Monday HIIT 10/28/19
Warm up 5L/R Kick through to crab kick 5L/R WGS 8 Toe grabs 20s: High knees Jumping jacks Push ups Squats
Warm up 5L/R Kick through to crab kick 5L/R WGS 8 Toe grabs 20s: High knees Jumping jacks Push ups Squats
WARMUP X2 A. Pushups B. Lunges C. Bike 30 sec ARM TEST A. Plank 60 10 pushups B. Plank 50 10 pushups
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
Pre-Warm up: Foam Roll Problem Area Roll Over to V-Sit Band Walks – Hand & Monster Walks PVC Dislocations & Presses
WARMUP X2 A. Row 30 sec B. Lunge oh twist down/ back 40/20 A. Swings B. Squats C. Bike D. Lateral step