Bootcamp Sunday 11/17/19
Warm up: 8 L/R WGT 20s Lunge w/twist 20s Butt kickers 20s High knees 10 Push ups 15 Squats COTD: 7 Min
Warm up: 8 L/R WGT 20s Lunge w/twist 20s Butt kickers 20s High knees 10 Push ups 15 Squats COTD: 7 Min
WARMUP X3 A. Jump rope 50 B. Ring rows 10 AMRAP 20 Sprint through the moves and recover before starting again i.
WARMUP X2 A. 10 hr pushups B. 20 wide mtn climbers C. 10 hollow rocks 20 MIN (NOTE WHAT TEAM GETS THE
BOOTCAMP All Classes will do the COTD – then based on the week/workouts, 1-2 of the options below will be added onto
WARMUP 30SEC EACH X3 A. Squats B. Jacks C. Pushups D. Bottom burpees TABATA CHIPPER TIMER 30\10 A. 100 squats B. 100