Functional BB 2/19/21
Functional Barbell A1: 5×5 Barbell Close Paused Bench A2: 5×15 Suitcase Row 5 Rounds of AOTD OR A1: 5×5 Front Squat A2:
Functional Barbell A1: 5×5 Barbell Close Paused Bench A2: 5×15 Suitcase Row 5 Rounds of AOTD OR A1: 5×5 Front Squat A2:
Functional Barbell A1: 5×5 Barbell Bench A2: 5×20 Band Face Pulls (Pause at face) 5 Rounds of AOTD OR A1: 5×5 Barbell
Functional Barbell A1: 5×8 Weighted Pushups A2: 5×10 Seal Row B1: 4×10 Standing DB OHP B2: 4×10 Neutral Grip Pullups OR A1:
Olympic: Find 1RM on Snatch &/OR Full Clean. Record in Log. Powerlifting: SSB Triple OR Football Bar Triple. Then 5×5-8 @ 65%
Olympic: 3×2 Power Clean, 3×2 Hang Clean into TNG Clean -> Accessory (2-3) A1: 10 Ring Pushups A2: 15 Paused Face Pulls