
B – CONDITION (Last 1/3 of Class) 3 Rounds of 6min, 1m rest between each set. 5 {Jumping Lunge, Jumping Lunge, Jump Squat} 5
B – CONDITION (Last 1/3 of Class) 3 Rounds of 6min, 1m rest between each set. 5 {Jumping Lunge, Jumping Lunge, Jump Squat} 5
B – CONDITION (Last 1/3 of Class) 1min per exercise (:45s work, :15s rest). After each round rest an extra :30s. 5-6
B – CONDITION (Last 1/3 of Class) AMRAP 20 8/6c Bike 4 L/R DB Snatch (cap55)(ca35) 4 L/R SL MB Slam (cap40)(cal30) After
A – PREP (8m Cap) 2Round 10 Band Facepulls :10-20s Single Arm Hang or Double Hang 10 Overhead Situp B –
A – PREP (8m Cap) 2Round 10 Hollow Hold To Supermans 10 Scapular Pull-ups 10 DB Row B – CONDITION (Stop