LotR 002
Frodo, Sam and Pippen Leave Hobbiton for Crick Hallow Choose one 18 Miles by foot 22.5 Miles Row 45 Miles Bike Go
Frodo, Sam and Pippen Leave Hobbiton for Crick Hallow Choose one 18 Miles by foot 22.5 Miles Row 45 Miles Bike Go
Bilbos Party Beginner 3 Rounds 10 KB Swings 1 TGU Intermediate 6 Rounds 10 KB Swings 1 TGU Advanced 10 Rounds 10
Hi everyone! Thank you for considering us as your new home! We are super flexible with your training! All of our trainers
Warm up High step march 1×8 per leg Step across body high knees 3×8 bw squats 1×8 per leg high knees 2×8
16AMRAP 20/15c Row 10 Box Jumps 10 SA KB Clean and Jerks