Bootcamp at NOON! 6/20/19

Warm up:
The usual

Conditioning: Do A,B,A,B,A,B then go to C.

Circuit A:
15/18 bike cal
20 Squat rope slams
20L/R Plank rope slams
2 Seated rope KB pulls
12 PB jump over turn jump back/Jump squat w/180 rotation

Circuit B:
10L/R DB offset DL
12 Mace OH Lunges
15 Burpees
250M Row

Circuit C: 6 Rounds
30s bike
30s partner HR push up w/hand clap

Partner ab circuit: 2-3 Rounds
20 Partner leg throws
20 Elastic sit ups
25s L/R Partner plank hold
20 Partner MB sit up toss
10L/R Partner MB side toss/10L/R Squat w/MB rotation

Cash out:
20L/R Banded donkey kicks
20L/R Banded fire hydrants
20L/R Banded side-lying hip/glute lifts