Warm up:
Foam roll
8 L/R Lying thoracic rotation
8 L/R Bird dog
7 Inch worms w/push up
40Y side lunges
20 Hollow rocks
AMRAP 15 Min ladder ascending (Add 3 cal/reps each round. Rope climb stays the same)
3 Bike cal
3 1KB DL
3 Weighted Burpee press (10,25) (Do not Jump)
3 Hollow rocks
1 Rope climb (5 HOH) (10 Ring rows)
3 Rounds:
15 Sumo Squats
15 Close stance KB Squats
15 Goblet squats
8 L/R DB side lunges
100 Jump ropes (50 DU)
Push up complex circuit (2-3 Rounds- 8 reps each)
Staggered push up
MB Push ups (8 L/R)
Push up in and out
Walking push ups
Push up with 6 count mountain climbers
1 leg push up (8L/R)
Spiderman push ups (8 Total)
Cash out:
Dead hang 3 Mins: If you drop perform 5 jumping squats