Warm up:
5 L/R Bird dog
5 L/R Thoracic rotation
8 Wall shoulder 90 degree stretch
20 squats
8/10 cal Bike
With a partner Row 1500M (switch every 250M)
Partner A will row, Partner B will be in a dead-hang first round (If you drop 3 push ups), Second round Partner B will perform 3 burpees and 8 WB squats until Partner A is done, 3rd round Partner B will do box jumps.
Medicine ball fun: 2 rounds 15 reps each
MB stationary front lunge pulses (5 pulses equals 1 rep)
MB Squat pulses (5 pulses equals 1 rep)
MB squat jumps
MB Push up touch and tap
MB side walking lunges
MB sit up throws
MB Shuffles w/10 mountain climbers
MB wall sit front chest press
MB Burpee w/press
MB Russian twist HR
10M Amrap:
5- 4 hop over hurdle burpees
5 L/R KB clean to press
40Y Rack and suitcase KB carry (switch every 20Y)
10 KB swings
Burn out: 3X (If time is available)
5/7Cal bike
30 DU/60 SU
10 L/R Side V-ups