Bootcamp 2/10/19

Warm up:
Foam roll 90sec
8 L/R Lunge w/thoracic rotation
15 Band face pulls
4x3sec isometic push up hold
10L/R Bird dog

Teams of 2:
Partner A: Assault bike
Partner B: 300 Jump ropes

EMOTM3 (3 rounds, 1 min rest after each round) (Drop the ball 5 burpees on the ball)
14 WB throws
7 OH WB squats
4x(10Y) Side shuffles w/WB

Heads:                                           Tails:
1.15 Box jump overs                      1. 15 Weight burpees
2.15 R grip inverted bb row            2. 12 Chin ups
3. 8L/R Pistols                                3. 10 L/R Weighted step ups
4. 30 L/R SL Jump rope                 4. 30 Jump Squats
5. 15 Hanging leg raises                5. 15 V-ups
6. 30 SA KB Swings                       6. 15 L/R SLKB DL
7. 20 PU w/shoulder taps               7. 10 L/RSingle leg PU
8.10 L/R Manmakers                      8. 20 Bent over 2DB row
9.15 6-c mnt climber burpee           9.15 Burpee tuck jump
10. 25 Weighted toss sit up            10. 30 Weighted ab sit up

SL standing quad stretch
Groin stretch
Toe touch L/R/C
Head to knee
Leg band stretch