Bootcamp 1/19/19

Warm up:

20s each Foam roll lower/upper back, hamstrings, IT band

10 L/R Quadriped external rotation

10 L/R Walking lunge with thoracic rotation

AC/DC burpee song

Let’s start with a ladder:
KB High pulls
Squat with horizontal KB press
10 Bench/box jump overs

Then 2 rounds 45s on 10s rotate: 1 min rest after each round:
1.Hanging scissors kicks (slow and controlled)
2. SA Left plank Battle rope slams
3. SA Right plank battle rope slams
4. Right leg explosive step ups
Left leg explosive step ups

If time available 2 rounds:
20 X’s O’s-abs
7/10 Assault bike cal
5 DB Manmakers (push up, row L/R, stand to overhead press)