Sunday Bootcamp 6/23/19
Warm up: The usual Start: 2 Rounds Run 300Y 40Y Sled pulls/push 2 Seated KB Rope pulls Conditioning: 3 Rounds of A&B
Warm up: The usual Start: 2 Rounds Run 300Y 40Y Sled pulls/push 2 Seated KB Rope pulls Conditioning: 3 Rounds of A&B
Warm up: The usual Workout: 3 Rounds Row 300M 2 KB Rope pulls Run 300Y 15Min Amrap 2 Rounds: 40y Sled pushes
Warm up: The usual Conditioning: Do A,B,A,B,A,B then go to C. Circuit A: 15/18 bike cal 20 Squat rope slams 20L/R Plank
Warm up: The usual Then: 20/25 Bike cal 20Min 40y Sled push then 40y run 8L/R SA Clean to squat to press/5
Warm up: 30 jump ropes 8-10 V-sit roll over 10 Lunge w/twist 20y Butt kickers 20y High knees 50 Monster band walks