New Updates/Reminders!

Happy Mothers Day All!

I have not sent out an update in a while but – in brief here it goes. If you need further details, get a hold of me!

  1. We have resumed our open gym in two methods.
    1. Supervised: for those who are standard members OR enrolled in open gym only (12-2 M/T/W/Sun & 10 – 2 Saturdays)
    2. Unsupervised: for those who are enrolled in TC.
  2. Summer Camps are still enrolling! Not many slots left.
  3. Community board is up at the gym.
  4. Territory food is in the gym – use code BSPJOEY to get $25 off your first two meal orders.
  5. We sell Fitaid and other drinks at the gym as well as punchcards for those drinks.
  6. We have several new trainers as well as more on the way to help better your experience!
  7. Updated Website
  8. QR codes coming soon for Training Camp
  9. Kids area will be ready for the Summer!
  10. Nutrition is live – contact Kelsey or Kathryn!
  11. T-shirt Order:
    1. $20 via venmo or Cash/Check

Thats about it folks. Any questions – get a hold of me.


Joey Burr