5/4/19 – WCE50

:20s Each, 2x Through: High Knees, Butt Kicks, Shuffles

Objective: Work Capacity


With a Partner (or 2), Perform 2 Rounds of A & B. No rest between.

A - 6MIN
P1: Row 300m
P2: AMRAP: 3 Pullup, 7 Pushup, 12 Squat

B - 6MIN
P1: Run 300m
AMRAP: 3 Pullup, 7 Pushup, 12 Squat

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Dx6ZR4Ulv43oT5FYJwUhME4tK6RZ_9HUkuIeSGiDS8/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]