Bike/Row/Ski/Run 2min
Cosak Lunge D/B
Objective: Work Capacity and Chasis
With a partner, get AMRAP (P2)
(P1) (2/3/5)
1 Burpee
10 Wallball Toe Taps
(P2) 1 Round FAST
Run 10y
1 Sandbag Getup (40/60/100)(20/40/60)
Shoulder Carry 10y
5 Shoulder Squats
Shoulder Carry 10y
1 Sandbag Getdown
Run 10y
Rest 1 Minute
3 Rounds for Time
8 LR Overhead KB/DB Back Step Lunge
30 LR Mountain Climbers
20/15cal Ass Bike
8 LR Overhead KB/DB Back Step Lunge
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MtXNKOsyQ54GsN4rqKJJ7dWlR8ddmHifhG7QgYurojg/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]