50 Jacks
5x Toe Touch, Squat, Reach Up, Reach Up, Reverse
5x LR Squat Thoracic Rotations
Objective: Work Capacity
Rest :45s between A & B - rest :75s between each round. 2 Rounds
A - 3min
20y Sandbag Shoulder Carry (40/80/100)(20/40/60)
10 LR Toe Taps to Bag
20y Sandbag Shoulder Carry
5 Plyo Pushup Touch to Bag
B - 3min
Max Calories Bike
(:75s rest)
C - 5min
5 LR Cauldrons (10/25/45)(bar/10/25)
10 KB Swings (26/35/53)(18/26/35)
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K9tUkqVBftD722lDN9vO5VWjHcC-Y4mqFqIAUT5Ll18/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]