Sunday Bootcamp 3/17/19

Warm up:
60s jump rope
High skips
Table roll overs
V-sit to roll over

In teams of 2-3 you must complete the following, each team member must complete the exercise before the team can rotate exercises (rest is if you complete your exercise before your team mates complete theirs):

Station 1:
30 OTS toss
40 cal bike
60 L/R squat rope slams

90s rest

Station 2:

30 Burpee to ball slams
40 KB Squats
80 L/R Plank rope slams

90s rest

Station 3:
15 rope pulls
30 Burpee Box jumps
500M row

Burn out: 30sx3 (20s rest after each round)
Weighted sit ups W(30,40,50) M(40,50,60)
Plank jacks
Elbow plank
Right side plank
Left side plank
X’s O’s